Hunting4Gold Instant Access Reports
20/20 Prospecting PDF Report

This training material will get you started plotting out the best places to start sampling so you won’t waste time, effort and money when a simple key site observation would have saved you all that hassle.
Available for $17
Government Gold Maps PDF Report

This covers a demonstration of how to use the USGS MRDS and Topology to find gold near you. The trick to using these maps is to understand where gold was found and where it will be now.
Available for $17
Sampling For Gold PDF Report

This tells you about the process of sampling to understand exactly how much gold you're finding per unit volume in your sample hole. This is a key metric for you to get your head around when you're looking at your gold site.
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Find a Gold Pay-Streak PDF Report

Do you want to know how to use your sample holes to figure out where more gold is? The gold samples will only tell you what's happening in one spot, but put enough of them together and you can map out a paystreak.
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Mine Gold or Move On PDF Report

Mine or move on takes paystreak sample mapping and your site information you collected during your site survey and assembles it into a picture of how you can recover gold efficiently from your site.
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The Helical Flow Effect PDF Report

Learn how to look at high water flow for gold clues. Remember to look for the S bends, even in the desert. Gold moves in flood waters especially flash floods in desert wash areas. You want to look for clues after the floods are long gone.
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Panning For The Paystreak PDF Report

The gold pan is the most powerful tool, next your brain. “Panning for the Paystreak” shows you how to pan quickly and efficiently to find gold when you sample.
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Sluicing For Gold PDF Report

This report shows you how to set up, operate and tear down your sluice box for efficient gold recovery.
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The Prospector's Field Manual PDF Report

I go briefly through everything about systematic gold prospecting, from site research to gold mining. It is important to note that success in prospecting is in the details.
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