Only until very recently, technology has limited gold production and recovery.There is a big gold rush going on currently and it is easier than ever to join in.
There has never been a better time for you to get started gold prospecting than now, but…
“How do you know where to start looking?”
There are few people who know enough about geology and how to tell if there is likely to be gold just from looking at the gold site, but there are even fewer who understand how to teach you these skills.
Especially in laymen’s terms that the everyday Joe, who does not have a degree in geology or hydrology, can easily understand.
I’m Prospector Jess, and I am about to share with you some little known prospecting“trade secrets” that very few people know, or have even heard of.
Locating good places to find gold can be tough, and even stressful at times, and if you have tried your hand at gold prospecting you already know that’s a fact.
If you have searched online, or have even purchased videos, then you also know there is not much available on where to find gold.
Sure, there are YouTube videos on using a gold pan, but if your dirt is from a spot that has no gold, all the panning tips in the world can’t help you…
That’s why I have put together all my training into these 5 unique, step by step DVDs I like to call…
“The Gold Prospector’s Collection”
These 5 DVDs are packed with gold finding info.
Here’s just a few of the key prospecting lessons found in these DVDs and most importantly how they will help you….
“Find more gold faster than ever”
“You may be wondering why you should listen to me…”
Besides the fact that I have a background in geology, engineering science and years of experience hunting for gold, if you look at what others are saying about my training you’ll see just how much you learn from these videos:
“Great Video Jess. Been placer mining 2 years now, amazing how little I know about rock formations. Finding gold and your videos help reinforce the need to do lots of sampling.” – BC
“After watching your videos, I took my dads old Minelab SD2000 and went hunting gold in the granite river beds near my house… Now I’m hooked! You’re an excellent speaker, your videos are very easy to understand, thanks!” – Alastair
“PJ, You have much knowledge to share and, I along with all others before me on your site, are thankful indeed. I have obtained much knowledge in my research quest. Now however, I have found you and my knowledge is getting a boost to say the least.
Looking forward to putting your teaching to work. THANK YOU!!!” – Joseph
Everyone knows you need experience to become successful, but why not have the tools and knowledge to speed up your learning and make it more fun?
After all, it has to be fun and that’s a big part of the reason gold prospecting is such a great hobby, right?
Gold prospecting in the outdoors is an experience like no other, and actually finding gold makes it that much better. However, there is a saying among fishermen..
“It’s called fishing, not catching“
Many miners feel the same way about not finding gold, but why not increase your odds of finding gold?
When you get my “Gold Prospectors Collection”, that’s exactly what you are doing. Boosting your ability to find it faster than ever.
“My 30 Day Money Back Guarantee”
If for any reason you don’t find more gold when you take what I teach and apply it in the field, I will refund your money. No questions asked.
I have fully guaranteed this gold prospecting system so the risk is all on me.
The keys to success in finding more gold are covered in these 5 DVD’s.
They all fit strategically within my 5 stage gold finding process, so you can repeat the process and scale as much as you need to.
These gold prospecting DVDs are truly eye opening so act now and avoid the pain of coming home from a weekend of gold prospecting with little to nothing to show for all your hard work.
Want to know my simple process to improve your odds of finding gold right now? Getting started is as easy as clicking the orange Add to Cart button below and for only $147 you can take your first step to find more gold right now!
Click The Button Below To Order Now(Payment Plans Are Available)
Only $147
If you’re thinking, “Why can’t I just learn everything I need to know from YouTube?” You get what you pay for in life, and we all can remember choosing the cheaper option and wishing we had spent our time and energy getting it right the first time.
Don’t be that guy, who waits until the last minute and then misses out on the opportunity of a lifetime.
If you are still on the fence, now is the time to take action and get the “Gold Prospectors Collection” to improve your gold prospecting skill today!